Our School » Administration




HaleyMrs. Haley Sarkisian, Principal



Douglas, Therapy Dog


Welcome to Central Elementary! I am truly honored to be Central's Principal as this community is a unique and special place. I have ten years of experience in the field of education and am licensed in Elementary Education, Mild Interventions, and Building Administration. Within Valparaiso Community Schools, I have taught special education at Cooks Corners, third, fourth and fifth grade at Hayes Leonard, and from there I continued to teach fifth grade at both Heavilin and Cooks Corners. After receiving my Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Mild Interventions, I went on to earn my Master of Education degree in School Administration, because I knew after my first few years in the classroom that I was ready to make a difference on a larger scale. This will be my fourth year serving as Principal at Central. 


I have lived in Valparaiso my entire life, where I attended Flint Lake Elementary, Thomas Jefferson Middle School, and Valparaiso High School. Outside of school, I enjoy walking and hiking with my two dogs, cooking, reading, golfing, and exercising. Douglas, one of my two Goldendoodles, is Central's therapy dog and has brought so much joy and positive energy into the building. 


I am passionate, energetic, and dedicated to the field of education. Valpo has a special place in my heart, and I look forward to continuing my professional career in a community that I admire and value. All of us at Central Elementary School are eager and excited to begin what promises to be a great year! My door is always open, and I always welcome your input. I look forward to working with you as a team to help each student at Central Elementary School meet their goals, reach their full potential and have a successful 2023-2024 school year!